Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Good Nye Giveth...and The Good Nye Taketh

Let me tell you, loyal reader(s), about a little place called Marietta College. It borders on West Virginia - which is every bit as bad as it sounds. It is the most boring town on Earth. It is home of the worst educators I've ever come across. It is home of the worst football program I've ever come across. In a nutshell, it is one of the worst places I've ever come across - hence my decision to transfer elsewhere at the completion of this school-year. However, it is also home to some very good people and some very good friends who have become rather important to me over the last 8 months.
It is these people, including myself, who I'm here to mention. As the title says, I giveth...I give (along with the federal government) a total of $30,000 to attend this institution of learning, and what do I get in return, you ask? A transfer request. It has been discussed at length that if we had the ability to rescind our credits - simply give them away - in exchange for our money back, we would do it in a heartbeat. Sadly, that is not an what can we do to actually make this experience worth-while? Taketh, and by God, we will taketh away. The plan is basically to take anything available from the dining hall. As we're all going to be living elsewhere next year, we might as well have a silverware/dinette set to warm up our new livings. I won't go into detail, since it's probably not the smartest idea in the world to publicly announce the stealing of products from this place, but if you were here, you'd understand. I will say that novelty items like a salt-shaker with a bit of pepper inside it go as bonus items, and there will be a tally done at the end of this semester to decide who won. And you can bet, the winner will not be Marietta College.
Also, in honor of my neighbor down the hall, Jason F. Cocca, my new pen-name will be Kevin F. Nye - but it will be used only when I want to make a point, and each time, it will contain a link to Coke's livejournal because this kid is a genius...and you can guess what the F stands for.

- Kevin F. Nye

and as always, go Browns, Tribe, and Cavs!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I can't say because I dont go there, but I'd be surprised if the teachers at Marietta are as bad as they are at Akron. As for transferring, go to OU, we'll get the fat kid, Michael Reinhard, to go there too and we'll dominate in intramural sports for 3 years.