Friday, March 24, 2006

Wild night! John Mellencamp sung that song!

But seriously folks...what a night for college basketball. I lost 2 $2 bets, which was rough, but it was probably worth the incredibly good games. Well, minus the Duke game. JJ definitely sucked, I can certainly man up and admit that - that Temple guy played absolute lockdown defense on him, very impressive (he's got googly arms. Not to mention, anytime Redick got inside, Tyrus Thomas used his giant googly arms to swat the shot away...both of those defenders are freshmen, fyi.
Even with JJ sucking it up bigtime, I still stand firm in my position that Greg Paulus ultimately lost the game. I hate him so much. The kid leaves the game with Duke down 37-32. He comes back 4 minutes later with Duke up 45-40. 4 minutes later Duke is trailing 50-47. I'm not saying that Redick's shitty day didn't contribute to the loss, it most certainly did. I am saying that Greg Paulus sucks and that he did some stupid things that in essence costed Duke the game.
I also hate Adam Morrison, so seeing him lose in a heartbreaker kinda made me happy. On the one hand, that's really mean, but on the other hand, that was an insanely exciting game, so that's why I loved the ending. It wasn't so much that Gonzaga lost, it was that UCLA was gettin stomped and kept it together and played an incredible final minute to win an incredible game - freakin amazing.
Also, much more than I hate Adam Morrison, I hate WVU. Imagine my horror as Kevin Federline/Shittysnogle hit that 3 (he's added tats since that picture, by the way). But yeah, I was mortified - especially since a couple people on this floor really like WVU. But then the heavens opened up...God came down, touched Paulino's right arm, and willed the shot into the basket for a UT win. The hall went nuts. Being this close to West Virginia has forced a passionate hate of them to grow in everyone except those select few. It was 12:30 a.m. and there were 15 people running up and down the hallway yelling "HOOK 'EM HORNS!!"
Pure bliss.
In other news, Memphis won, no big surprise. And today should be pretty lackluster - a UConn W is in the works, along with 3 other games that I can't even remember. I'm going home in like 2 hours, I've got better thigns on my mind.
That's all for now, as always, go Browns, Tribe, and Cavs!


Nye 1.0! said...

Do you even know where the saying "Googly Arms" came from and who the original googly arms belong too?

Ryan said...

Not sure if it's just my computer (probably), but the Tyrus Thomas link didn't work. The LSU athletic page opens up but there isn't a picture there.

Paulus sucks, right on. I hope Morrison reads this post and comes back for his senior year and wins it all just to spite you.

NyeK said...

i know gus and the google box, but i wasnt really making reference to that, more to the fact that he had really long, googly arms.